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Flushing Your Water Heater and Scheduling Maintenance

Give us a call today: 877-772-6639

Water heaters require maintenance just as often as your other home appliances and HVAC technology. Water heater maintenance can be vital due to the sheer fact that an inspection can detect any leaks, corrosion, or problems with the heating element. This alone makes water heater maintenance worth it–but there are other reasons to invest in this service.

Water heater flushing is a term that is used to describe a professional technician removing all of the water from the system. This is a useful service because it not only allows a professional to look inside of the unit if any rust or sediment is present, but it also helps to remove that material by draining all of the water.

This can be a problematic process to do on your own, but luckily our team does it when we provide maintenance.


Why Does My Water Heater Need Regular Maintenance In the First Place?

Water heaters go through a tremendous amount of water, and they also have heating elements that get hot and cool down. The water can corrode the tank or components through natural corrosion processes, while the heating elements like the gas burner or electric coil can get worn down over time due to the constant expanding, contracting, and coming into contact with any atmospheric dust or debris.

Maintenance helps to alleviate these issues. A technician can replace the sacrificial anode rod so your water heater tank lasts longer and doesn’t suffer from corrosion. At the same time, they can clean the heating elements and make sure the system doesn’t start deteriorating before it’s time to replace it.

Our Maintenance Package Will Save Costs on Water Heater Maintenance

You’re much more likely to avoid repairs with a well-maintained water heater than you are with a neglected system. This is a fact that is born out in data, and our maintenance plan is designed to save you money that way.

But maintenance isn’t free! This is why our water heater maintenance program comes with perks, savings, discounts, and the ability to couple it with your HVAC maintenance to get it all done in one appointment for a low cost.

The cost of maintenance can be paid for in the savings alone over time. As your water heater gets older, it will inevitably run into problems due to old age, getting dirty, and wear and tear. But maintenance helps to alleviate these issues year over year to ensure that your system lasts as long as possible and avoids the most expensive issues until it’s time to replace it.

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