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Why Professional Indoor Air Quality Installation Is Worth It

Give us a call today: 877-772-6639

Having a technician on hand to evaluate your indoor air and install your new IAQ system is remarkably helpful. We’re experts not only on installing the technology, but also choosing where the technology would best benefit your home and pinpointing the solution to your air quality issues.

Here’s an example: if your home is plagued with dust particles that just won’t go away, we’ll be able to assess the amount of dust and other particles in the atmosphere with a test, and find the perfect filter for your home. But the job doesn’t stop there! We then need to figure out where the filter should be installed so it can treat the maximum amount of airflow through your home.

Then, we’ll set up a schedule for changing the filter out and work with you to ensure you get long-term comfort in your home and a sustainable solution going forward.


The Varying Costs of Our Indoor Air Quality Systems

Air filters, air purifiers, humidifiers, and other IAQ systems all cost different amounts. The size of the unit also plays a large role in how much the system will cost to install. This is just the truth about this industry.

The good news is that professional installation removes all of the risks and problems associated with a botched installation, for just an additional labor cost. Some systems come with warranties and extra protection that you only get with professional setup, so it’s worth considering at least before you purchase an air filter or UV air purifier and try to set it up yourself.

Different IAQ Systems Will Have Different Install Times

This is something that customers can sometimes miss, but it’s an important step of the process. Depending on the size and type of air quality system you purchase, the installation time is going to be different.

For instance, a humidifier will just need to be attached to your HVAC system and filled up with water. But that’s basically it, this can take just a few minutes to a few hours in special circumstances. But with an air filter or UV air purifier, the system needs to be built into your ductwork for it to be effective. This can sometimes be tricky depending on the status or condition of your air ducts.

But don’t fret! Our team is full of specialists who can work out these details on the spot.

The Benefits of Expert Indoor Air Quality Installation

What if we told you that by purchasing a professional IAQ system installation, you can rest assured that by the end of the day you’ll have a brand-new air quality system working perfectly? This is the true benefit to an air quality system installation that’s done by a licensed professional.

Basically, it’ll get done to your specifications without any hiccups in the setup. DIY or amateur installation might be cheaper, but you’re also gambling with the setup and future of your home comfort. If the installation is botched for whatever reason, you’ll be left in the dark without any support. But when you schedule installation with our team of professionals, we’ll be there to help from start to finish.

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