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Keep Your Household Healthy with Regular Indoor Air Quality Maintenance

Give us a call today: 877-772-6639

Maintenance is key to keeping your air quality good. This is born out in actual data, since air quality systems like air purifiers and filters tend to last longer when they’re well-maintained. These systems cycle through a lot of air and filter out a lot of contaminants. This can lead to serious wear and tear over the course of the system’s lifespan.

Maintenance has two key factors that keep air quality systems running smoothly–cleaning and tuning up the technology.

By cleaning your air filter or air purifier, we can set it on the right track to capture more contaminants and keep your home clean. And by tuning the system up, we can ensure it runs efficiently and doesn’t start consuming more electricity or overheating.


A Year-Round IAQ System Requires Bi-Annual Maintenance

Yep, if your air quality system is working through the cooling season and the heating season, it needs maintenance twice a year. But there’s a secret to scheduling this that we haven’t mentioned yet.

Customers can make this easy by coupling their air quality system maintenance with regular HVAC system maintenance. If we can inspect and maintain your air purifier or air filter at the same time we maintain your heater or air conditioner, you only need to schedule one appointment for both.

This is an easy solution that can let you set it and forget it!

What You Get When You Join Our Maintenance Program

Our maintenance program comes with a wide variety of perks and discounts, but the sheer value of the service alone makes it worth it.

For instance, a clean air filter every single year is going to root out more contaminants from the air than a filter that’s dirty or degraded. The fibers of a filter will degrade over time unless they’re constantly cleaned and maintained. Likewise, a UV air purifier can become less effective if dust settles on the bulb or the light starts running into issues. With maintenance, we can ensure maximum purification on a regular basis.

The Benefit of Regular Indoor Air Quality Testing

Not sure where to start? Air quality testing is the best choice you can make when trying to figure out the next steps to take. An air quality test is a simple procedure where we measure the contaminants flowing through your air in your ductwork. Once we have a breakdown of what you’re dealing with, from dust to mold, we can problem solve together and set up a solution that works properly.

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