Indoor Air Quality in San Ramon, CA
Give us a call today: 877-772-6639
When we use the term HVAC, we’re talking about many different things that all impact each other. Heating and air conditioning are pretty self-explanatory, but the V stands for ventilation, which is something many homeowners don’t consider when evaluating their comfort. If your air is stuffy, uncomfortable, or constantly making you sick, then your ventilation (a whole third of the HVAC in your home) is not working correctly.
We can also see indoor air quality becoming more important for people as the times change. Back in the day, air quality concerns had to do with pollutants outside of your home. With issues like smog, wildfire smoke, and pollen, your home was a safe haven compared to the outdoor air.
Now, depending on the materials that were used to construct your home, or how tightly sealed your home is, the pollutants are actually coming from inside your safe haven.
Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, depending on many factors. And the air inside of your home can be 2-5 times more polluted than typical outdoor air, even in cities. This means you’ll need access to powerful air quality systems to treat your air and keep it safe for you and your family. Work with our team to learn about one of the many systems we install and maintain.
We Provide a Wide Range of Indoor Air Quality Systems
How do you pinpoint what’s wrong with your air? Then how do you determine whether an air filter, an air purifier, or some kind of ductwork repairs are what’s needed? This all sounds complicated, but we make it easy.
Down below, we’ve listed out the systems that we install and maintain. But before we do anything, you might want to invest in duct testing so we can see what’s cycling through your air and how leaky your air ducts are. When we know you’re dealing with dust, dirt, debris, or organic contaminants like bacteria or mold, we can address them with a powerful solution that does the trick.
We keep things affordable and minimal, while maximizing the effect these systems have on your air. We’ll keep your home Comfy, just like our name implies.
Air Filtration Systems
Air filters represent the first line of defense in your home. They catch contaminants over a certain size and hold them for cleaning later. What approaches your filter from one side gets completely cleared out when the air cycles through it, and this is one of the easiest ways to get clean, clear, and fresh air in your home.
Air filtration systems come in different sizes with MERV ratings. These ratings signify how dense the material is and small of a particle they can catch from the air. Hospitals, for instance, use high MERV-rated filters called HEPA filters that catch practically anything, from a large dust particle to microscopic contaminants that would barely show up on a microscope. This is due to the risk that comes from contaminants coming into contact with patients trying to recover.
Residential spaces might not need the same filtration as a hospital, but we can narrow down the right MERV-rated filter for your home and install it with ease. Eventually, you can kiss contaminants like dust, dirt, dander, and hair goodbye with a powerful filtration system at your side.
Fun fact: Even though your HVAC system has a filter in it, it’s not intended to filter the air for your comfort. This component is designed to protect the interior components of your HVAC system from dust and debris. It’s not powerful enough to filter out microscopic or organic contaminants that risk your health or comfort.
More about our Air Filtration Systems
Air Purifiers
How does a system "purify" the air? This might sound like an abstract concept, but it’s deeply rooted in science and technology. Air purifiers all have one thing in common–they attack biological contaminants like viruses, bacteria, and mold spores, eliminating them so they’re harmless. This includes anything from fungus spores to Rhinovirus (the common cold) and even the Coronavirus. They aren’t 100% effective, which is why they’re best coupled with handwashing and other routine cleaning, but they’re powerful allies in the fight to keep your home safe.
A UV air purifier uses ultraviolet light to irradiate single-celled organisms like bacteriophages. This ruptures their DNA and disrupts their ability to reproduce. This essentially renders any microorganisms harmless to your body and protects you from getting infected by them. They’ll still need to be cleaned up with regular household cleaning supplies, but you can be safe from any infections.
Duct Repair + Replacement

The "V" in ventilation also has to do with your air ducts. If your ducts are leaky and have holes, gaps, or tears in them, then they might be sucking in dust and dirt from your crawlspace or basement. This is bad because it heavily impacts the breathability of your home’s air and can cause major issues for your home comfort.
Ducts can either be repaired or replaced, depending on what the main issue is. We can evaluate your ducts with our duct testing service, but also work with you to plan out proper repairs or replacements that work with your budget, timeframe, and keep your HVAC system running efficiently.
More about our Duct Repair and Replacement
Duct Testing + Sealing

What if your air ducts are in rough shape but they don’t quite need full repairs or replacement yet? Well, this is where duct sealing can be incredibly valuable. Duct sealing aims to cover up holes, gaps, and leaks with a foam or gel material that can make it airtight again. This is an affordable solution that works, providing a huge boon for a low initial cost.
But before we do anything to your air ducts, we’ll need to test them. Let us measure the air pressure and flow through your ducts and determine what needs to be done before we start talking about fixes or replacements.
More about Duct Testing and Sealing
Humidity can impact your home comfort in many different ways. If it’s too dry in your home, your heater will fail to provide you with enough heat, since moisture in the atmosphere helps to retain heat on a chilly day. Also, dry air is bad for your skin, your nostrils, your breathing, and your hair, turning your home into an uncomfortable zone of dry air.
A humidifier works perfectly to alleviate this problem by releasing a specific amount of moisture into the air to keep humidity levels at a comfortable position. This will increase the efficiency of your HVAC system and help to make your home more breathable and comfortable. Our humidifiers are whole house systems too, which means they provide humidity to your entire home.
More about our Humidifier Services
ERVs (Energy Recovery Ventilators)
ERVs, also known as energy recovery ventilators, use an amazing process known as counterflow heat exchange to take outdoor air and bring it inside without causing your HVAC system to get overloaded.
Here’s the deal. It takes fresh, outdoor air that’s crisp and clean, and mixes it with your indoor air. But the most important part of this process is the fact that your indoor air exchanges 95% of the heat or air conditioning with the outside air, while also being filtered for contaminants. This gives you fresh air from the outside as if you opened a window, without higher energy or heating bills as a result.
If you’ve craved fresh air during the coldest days of the winter or hottest days of the summer, then this system will do wonders for your home.
More about Heat and Energy Recovery Ventilators
Choosing the Right IAQ System for Your Home
Choosing an air quality system can be quite an experience. Every single one of these systems seems perfect and like an ideal choice, but it can be a lot of money to get everything. And, let’s face it, some homes don’t need some of these products. Only one or two will suffice when investing in a new unit.
So, how do you choose what to invest in? Here’s a quick survey:
- If your home’s air is inundated with dust or debris: Choose an air filter that can weed out contaminants.
- If you’re constantly sneezing, coughing, or getting sick in your own home: An air purifier is perfect for you.
- If your home’s temperature is uncomfortable and your HVAC system is running inefficiently: Evaluate our other options like duct sealing, duct testing, a humidifier, or an ERV. These systems will improve efficiency and normalize comfortable temperatures in your home.
Any Whole-House Indoor Air Quality System Needs Expert Installation
Don’t try to install these units on your own! They’re much too valuable and need to be set up precisely in the perfect locations in order to maximize their effect. You don’t want to purchase a brand-new, whole home UV air purifier only for it to miss a certain series of contaminants that come into your ductwork from an unknown location.
Our team can pinpoint the perfect place to install the system, set it up with an airtight seal, and make sure that it treats all of the air in your home.
Repair Your IAQ Systems, Your Health Is at Stake
It’s possible for an air quality system to break down or run into issues. For instance, if you’re starting to sneeze and cough again while you’ve got an air purifier set up, the system might be malfunctioning and require repairs.
Don’t wait on these kinds of fixes. Your health is important, and the health of your family should be priority number one. Our team can quickly and reliably fix these systems and get them working again. Part of our experience comes from diagnosing issues at record pace, since that can often be the most complex and time-consuming part of the repair process.
Trust our team to get the job done.
IAQ Testing Will Tell You When It’s Time to Replace Your System
Test, test, test! Air quality solutions can be hard to wrap your head around, and knowing when to replace an old unit or install a new one can be a difficult task.
We test specifically to give our customers more information about the quality of their air and the specific contaminants that cause trouble. When in doubt, test it out!
After testing, you’ll have a much clearer picture of the contaminants in the air of your home. And then we can talk about the perfect solutions that will get these problems fixed.
Yes, Even Indoor Air Quality Systems Require Regular Maintenance
Want to alleviate the stress of taking care of an air quality system? Then invest in maintenance! Our maintenance program specifically keeps IAQ units working, from air filters to air purifiers. We’ll change out filters, inspect UV light bulbs, and even inspect your humidifier to ensure no mold is growing or making things unsafe.
Maintenance can be key to getting peace of mind and enjoying the fresh air in your home once and for all.
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