Comfy Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Walnut Creek’

Springtime AC FAQ

Monday, May 24th, 2021

It’s not quite the summer season, which means that our air conditioners aren’t getting the constant use that they will experience in a few months. This is a good thing, because it’s a brief moment where our energy bills are lower and we can actually enjoy the nice weather without feeling miserable from the scorching summer heat. That being said, as much as you don’t want to think about your air conditioner, it’s the best time to. You’ll want to get it maintained and, if necessary, fixed before the summer hits—and believe us, it’s going to hit hard this year!

Do you have burning questions about your air conditioner? Are you a little unclear as to whether or not you need air conditioning repair in Walnut Creek, CA? Then this is the blog post for you. Keep reading as we get into the details of some of our most frequently asked questions.

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Is It Time to Replace Your Heater?

Monday, March 29th, 2021

That’s a very good question, and something that we’re honestly trying to get homeowners to think about more. Heaters aren’t meant to last forever, but we would never want you to replace your heating system before it actually needs to be replaced, right? After all, you want to have your heating system run for as long as possible, just like you would a car or a phone. If it’s worth over a thousand dollars to install, then you really should try to get your money’s worth.

That being said, a heater that runs beyond its lifespan can quickly siphon money out of your pocket with high heating bills, expensive repairs, and poor comfort. We’ll go into the specifics of when to call us for heater repair in Walnut Creek, CA, and when it’s finally time to call it quits and invest in heater replacement services.

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How Do You Know You Need Heater Repair?

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Think about all the blog posts you see, the ads on your computer, and the commercials on TV that talk about how to tell you that you need to see a doctor. While it might sound like a silly question, it’s 100% serious. How can you tell that you need help from a professional? This is a point that we want to address head-on in today’s blog post regarding your home comfort system.

Not every homeowner knows the ins and outs of their heating system. They know it makes a noise when it turns on but they don’t know what noise it should make. They know that heated air should come from their vents, but they don’t know how hot the air should be. All of these things signal an unfamiliarity with heating systems where a professional can help. We’ll go over some basic ways you can tell that you need heating repair in Walnut Creek, CA.

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How Expensive Can Heating Repair Be?

Monday, December 7th, 2020

It can be very expensive to deal with a heater that’s constantly on the fritz. Many homeowners believe that this is just the necessary cost of having heat in their home, but there’s another way to deal with this. If more people called for quick repairs, repairs done by a licensed professional, and maintenance on a yearly basis, heaters wouldn’t cost as much money to fix as they do. By the time we get to repairing them, oftentimes they’re in such bad shape that the fixes we make run up a pretty high bill.

So the answer to the question that began this blog post is that yes—heating repair in Walnut Creek, CA can be incredibly expensive. We’re here to tell you that there are ways to mitigate large repair bills. Keep reading as we go into detail about the ways to avoid expensive heating repairs with the help of our team.

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Wind Your AC Down the Right Way

Monday, October 12th, 2020


Are you getting ready to pull your heater out of hibernation and “put your air conditioner away?” Well, before you do that, we’re glad you got to this post. Hold your horses!

Air conditioners should be taken care of when they’re forced to wait for an entire season. After all, you do want your system to be in great shape when you take out next year, right? If you treat it poorly or just put it away hastily without taking note of the issues it’s been causing you, then you’re just going to run into the same problems down the line. Take it from us, your specialists for all things HVAC in Walnut Creek, CA that your air conditioner should be taken care of the right way at the end of the season.

Keep reading for some of our special AC hibernation tips to follow!

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Should Your Ducts Be Tested?

Monday, April 13th, 2020

air-duct-checkDuct testing is an important service that we offer, but so many homeowners just don’t take advantage of it when they should. With the amount of money we spend on energy to have our heaters and air conditioners treating the air in our homes, the least we could do is ensure that our ducts are in good condition.

What happens when your ducts aren’t in good condition? Well, below we’re going to break down just why duct testing in Walnut Creek is so vital. Without knowing exactly how well your air ducts function, it’s going to be impossible to accurately save money with air conditioning efficiency. You’ll be spending more money on a struggling system that’s losing precious air because your ducts aren’t in good condition to keep your home comfortable.

So, let’s talk about the benefits of air ducts that are in good condition, a result you can only get from having them tested in the first place!

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Why Heating Maintenance Is So Important

Monday, October 29th, 2018

service-blue-markerHeating season is upon us! We may still be getting warm days every now and again, but before too long you’re going to be using your heating system to stay warm on a regular basis. Before we get to that point, however, it’s important that you take steps to make sure that your system stays healthy throughout the season. One of the best ways to do that is to schedule heating maintenance. Have a look below at some of the reasons why it’s best to schedule heating maintenance.

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