Comfy Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘San Ramon’

Signs It’s Time to Consider AC Replacement

Monday, June 24th, 2019

old-air-conditionerSummer is officially here! While it’s been unseasonably cool in recent months—save a real quick heat wave a couple of weeks ago—we will soon enough be using our air conditioners on a daily basis.

So, is yours up to the job of keeping you cool all summer long? If you’re doubtful, then now is the time to consider if you’d benefit from an air conditioner upgrade, rather than waiting for it to break down completely in the middle of summer (and therefore needing to suddenly replace it in the middle of a baking hot day).

We don’t want you to be without your air conditioner any longer than you need to be during the hottest time of the year. Read on for some signs that it is probably time to replace your AC, and give us a call to schedule installation.

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Can Poor Indoor Air Quality Hurt Your Air Conditioner?

Monday, June 10th, 2019

technician-working-on-air-conditionerIt’s not poor indoor air quality in and of itself that causes damage to your air conditioner, but rather what causes the poor indoor air quality to begin with: dirt, dust, allergens, and debris.

We know you do your best to keep dust and dirt out of your home—a clean home is a happy home! But one thing most homeowners don’t think about is the debris that exists within their air ducts and other interior components of their air conditioner.

Just because your air conditioner’s ductwork and other components are hidden from view doesn’t mean you don’t need to worry about its cleanliness or overall condition. Air conditioners are often one of the biggest investments people make in their homes, and something as simple as dirt and debris can cost them way more than they even realize.

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Have You Scheduled a Cooling System Tune-Up Yet?

Monday, April 29th, 2019

technicians-hands-with-tools-on-top-of-outdoor-ac-unitIt’s easy to dismiss a recommendation given by an HVAC professional, especially for a service you don’t really need “right now.” Unless something is preventing you from using your air conditioner effectively—like a loss of cooling power—you could be really tempted to put off your air conditioning maintenance tune-up.

We urge you to reconsider, though. Just like maintenance for the car you drive, routine air conditioning maintenance is essential for the performance of your cooling system, in addition to repair prevention. And as your trusted resource for professional maintenance services, we have a responsibility to share the benefits and necessity of routine cooling system tune-ups with you.

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Could You Use a Thermostat Upgrade?

Monday, January 21st, 2019

Stock image of hand adjusting thermostatIf you are still using an old manual thermostat—you know, the one with a little slider that’s hard (actually, next to impossible) to get on the exact right temperature you need it to be—then the answer to this is a resounding yes.

But even if you have a basic digital thermostat, there are a number of advancements that have been made and you may benefit from an upgraded device. The good news is, when you do need professional San Ramon, CA thermostat installation, you needn’t look any further than our team. Keep reading to learn more about how and why you may benefit from a thermostat upgrade.

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Should You Make a Heat Pump Your Next Home Comfort Installation?

Monday, January 7th, 2019

man looking at thermostat and rubbing hands, coldThis is typically the time of year that homeowners throughout San Ramon are using their heaters on a daily basis, not necessarily shopping for a new system. But if your heater has reached the end of its run, your situation is different, and you’re likely in a rush to find a new heater, now! We urge you to consider your options, and not buy the first system you can find in your budget, as this can be a mistake not only in the installation, but over the years if the system’s efficiency doesn’t meet the needs of your home.

If you have a traditional furnace in place, as well as a standard central air conditioner that also might be aging to a point that an upgrade is due, you’d do well to consider the installation of a heat pump system. Heat pumps operate on the same principle as an air conditioner, but can also be used for heating. To make an informed choice, explore our detailed guide on whether a heat pump is worth installing. Keep reading to learn more about the advantages of such a system, and be sure to reach out to our team for professional San Ramon, CA heat pump services.

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How to Make Your Heater More Efficient, For Free!

Monday, December 24th, 2018

woman sipping hot drink in the wintertime, indoorsWell, our very first tip here isn’t for something that’s free—but investing in it will make your heater much more affordable in the long run. We’re talking about heating maintenance. Maintenance is a service that every homeowner benefits from. It should be done once a year—preferably before you need your heater for the season. But it matters more that you are consistent with scheduling a maintenance tune-up once a year.

During this service, our technicians thoroughly inspect your heating system, cleaning and checking for any signs of disrepair or components that need adjusting. Managing these issues right away rather than neglecting them helps your heater to not only perform more efficiently, but it also reduces the risk that you’ll run into a sudden breakdown this winter.

Now, onto the rest of our heating efficiency tips!

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Do I Need to Replace My Furnace Before Heating Season Starts?

Monday, October 1st, 2018

BurnerIt may not seem like it, but we’re getting awfully close to heating season, folks. You know what that means: it’s time to make sure that your home is ready for cold weather! There are a lot of different steps you can take to get your home ready for the fall and winter seasons. One of the most important, though, is determining whether or not your heating system is even able to get you through another cold season. Read on for some guidelines on establishing whether or not you should replace your furnace before heating season starts.

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Why You Might Want to Replace Your Air Conditioner Before Winter

Monday, September 17th, 2018

air-conditionerWe’re coming to the end of summer, and while we still have a few weeks of warm weather left, people are already starting to think about getting their homes ready for the cooler months. Before you shift into heating season mode, though, there are a couple of considerations you should still make for your air conditioner. Namely: should you replace your air conditioner before summer ends? It may seem like a weird question, but there’s good reasons to ask it. Read on to find out why.

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Schedule Furnace Maintenance This Fall

Monday, September 3rd, 2018

burner-assemblyIt may seem difficult to believe, with fire season pretty much being a year-round thing at this point, but we’re coming to the end of summer pretty soon here. One more month or so from now, and you’ll be using your furnace more often than your air conditioner. But before that happens, we wanted to make sure that you know to schedule furnace maintenance for your heating system. Preventive maintenance is a key part of maintaining furnace health, and it’s not the sort of thing that you want to put off if you are concerned about keeping your heating system in good shape. Read on to find out more about why your furnace needs maintenance this fall.

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What You Need to Know About Ductless Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, August 20th, 2018

ductless-mini-splitDuctless air conditioning systems have a lot of advantages to offer. However, they also have a number of unique considerations that need to be taken into account when it comes to preventive maintenance. If you’re a new ductless mini split owner, or you’ve never bothered to schedule maintenance for your older ductless system before, we highly recommend you take a look below to see what we mean. It could save you thousands of dollars in the long run.

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