Comfy Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘San Ramon’

Let’s Talk Numbers: How Much AC Maintenance Helps

Monday, July 5th, 2021

Some homeowners don’t just want recommendations. You want cold, hard facts that will not only push you towards making the right decision but grant you peace of mind. If you’re looking for a breakdown of the numbers when it comes to how worthwhile air conditioning maintenance is, then you’ve come to the right place. We’d like to talk about just how much money you could save by investing in yearly, routine maintenance.

Keep in mind that many of these numbers are just averages. We can’t predict the future, and if an HVAC professional tries to tell you exactly how much money you’ll save, then they’re lying to you. What we can give you is an accurate estimate of how much an air conditioning tune-up in San Ramon can help your home, your budget, and your comfort.

Keep reading if you’d like to learn more about the value of this wonderful service.

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Leaky Ducts Are a BIG Problem

Monday, March 15th, 2021

Having leaky ducts in your home might not sound like that big of a deal, but they are. While people associate plumbing leaks with mold growth and other terrible consequences, what can be so bad about air leaking from your ducts? Well, this can be an expensive problem that will give you some headaches down the line.

Leaking air can stress your air conditioner and heater out, it can raise your energy bills substantially, and also cause your home to feel less comfortable. All that conditioned air you’re paying for could be flying right out of your home from under your nose without duct sealing in San Ramon, CA.

Not only do we want to talk about why leaking ducts are bad, but we also want to talk about why duct sealing services are so good! Keep reading to find out.

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Save Water, Help Your Water Heater

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Here’s a fact we bet you didn’t know about your water heater: when more water passes through it, it suffers from wear and tear than it wouldn’t otherwise. This isn’t a bad thing, because we wouldn’t tell you not to use your water heater. It’s precisely why you got a water heater, right?

We are here to tell you that there are ways to conserve water that you might not have ever thought about. These conservation techniques can make your life easier because they reduce the strain on your water heater. You’ll save money down the line and you won’t need to call as often as normal for services on your water heater in San Ramon, CA. Basically, these tips we’re about to share with you can help the environment and your wallet in one fell swoop. So, what do you say?

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Pay Attention to These Water Heater Noises

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Water heaters are a vital part of our daily lives. We work on them day in and day out, so we know just how much homeowners depend on them. That means that any issues that surface with a water heater should be addressed as soon as possible. Otherwise, you could see yourself taking a cold shower on the one day you wish you had hot water.

Luckily, many water heater woes can actually be detected by homeowners. We urge people to pay attention to noises that a water heater might make, or for other issues like leaks and puddles so that you can act appropriately and call a professional for water heater service in San Ramon, CA.

From popping sounds to other ticking noises, a water heater can tell you exactly how it’s feeling with the exclamations it makes at night.

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4 AC Issues You’ll Want to Know About

Monday, August 31st, 2020

While we might be under the impression that summer is starting to wind down, we’d be lying if we said that there weren’t several hot days still ahead. Your air conditioner is still going to be useful well into September, especially here in California. So, in order to talk about something relevant, we’ve decided to discuss some AC issues you could be running into.

Keep in mind that just because it’s late in the Summer doesn’t mean that you can’t call us for air conditioning repair in San Ramon. Actually, on the contrary, our schedules are starting to free up more as fall rolls in, which means we can provide AC help at your convenience.

A struggling AC can be a nuisance, but luckily a more informed homeowner is always going to be better at dealing with those issues. Let’s get you informed on what could be ailing your system!

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Choose the AC System That’s Right for You

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

ac-and-ventilation-graphicDid you know that there are other types of air conditioners aside from window units and central AC systems? We’re sorry, we didn’t mean to blow your mind. There have been a lot of advancements in technology for the HVAC industry over the last decade. We’d like to talk about some of these advancements and where they can fit into your life–and your home.

Some homes are just not well-equipped for a central air conditioner. Window units are only applicable for small apartments and one room cooling needs. For everyone else, and there are a lot of people out there who fall under this category, there are heat pumps and ductless mini splits.

If this is the first time you’re hearing about these new types of air conditioners, don’t worry. We’ll go into details about how they work and why they could be your perfect AC installation in San Ramon.

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Safer, Healthier, Cleaner: Invest in an Air Purifier

Monday, July 20th, 2020

What constitutes safe air? What about clean air? One person’s home might feel cleaner than another’s, and vice versa. These questions aren’t meant to blow your mind, they’re meant to get you thinking about systems that can better make your home’s air clean, safe, and comfortable. By utilizing technology like an air purifier, you can eliminate odors and harmful germs that can make you sick and unhappy.

Air purifiers in San Ramon, CA have improved drastically over just the last couple of years. It’s worth doing a bit of researching to seeing how these systems work and how they can benefit you. Do you have a specific budget or type of home that gets stuffy? We assure you that there’s an air purifier that will work for you.

Give us a call and ask us about our air purifier options. Keep reading and we’ll give you some details.

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Yep, It’s Time to Replace Your AC

Monday, July 6th, 2020

AC-unit-and-cash-pileWhen was the last time you considered the age of your air conditioner? No, we’re not trying to stress you out. Air conditioners have a lifespan but many homeowners don’t know that. Just like a car that has several hundred miles on the odometer, if you depend on it for travel, you might need to look at replacing it with a more reliable car. Your air conditioner is no different.

AC systems last anywhere between 10-15 years in the best of cases. Unless you’re a wizard, once you pass that 15-year mark, you’ll start paying more out of pocket for repair costs, lowered efficiency, and breakdowns. That’s why we’re writing this blog, to talk about some of the noticeable signs that AC repair in San Ramon might not cut it, and it might be time to have the system replaced entirely.

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Better Service, Better Results!

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

customer-and-a-technicianLet’s say that your air conditioner breaks down on one of the hottest days of the year and you have the option of having it fixed by an amateur or a pro. Who do you choose? Obviously, the amateur has a cheaper price tag for their service, and sometimes they might be a family member so you can trust them, right? Wrong!

Professional service isn’t just premium with a premium price tag—it’s more reliable and comes with a clear set of advantages that homeowners don’t realize enough. When you pay for professionals with the right training and expertise, you’re paying for better service, and you’re bound to get better results!

If you’re in the market for AC repair in San Ramon, CA and you’re choosing between cheap, amateur service, and professional attention, choose the latter. If you keep reading, we’ll tell you why.

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What’s the Point of a Ductless System?

Monday, June 8th, 2020

woman-controlling-ductless-air-handlerWhen people think of air conditioners, the first image in their minds is of a conventional central air conditioning system. If we were writing this blog post 20 years ago, that image would be the only option for their cooling needs. However, in the 21st century, there are other options for cooling systems, and many homeowners don’t know what they are.

Today, we’re going to talk about ductless AC in San Ramon, CA because it could be the perfect system for your home. For families without ductwork or with serious efficiency improvements in mind, ductless systems often provide measurable improvements over conventional central AC systems. From efficiency to customized comfort, ductless systems are perfect for many homes in our area and it’s our job to inform them of such advanced technology. If you’re considering a new air conditioning system, you might also explore whether a mini-split heat pump would suit your needs. Is a Mini-Split a Heat Pump?

If you’re in the market for a new AC system, keep reading to learn about the option of a ductless air conditioner.

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