Comfy Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heater Repair’

A Rattling Heat Pump Is Not a Good Sign

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

A heat pump is a conglomeration of a lot of different smaller components. We’ve touched on HVAC sounds on this blog numerous times, but we’d like to talk about a specific sound in regards to a specific system. A rattling heat pump is a problem that many homeowners might ignore due to budgeting or the fact that the heat pump still works, but just because a system still works doesn’t mean it’s working well.

The components of your system could be unhinged, misaligned, or running into serious problems that could be quickly fixed when you call our team for heater repair in Orinda, CA. We are experts in heat pump problem diagnosis, as well as the targeted repairs of issues that plague homeowners.

If your heat pump is rattling when you run it, be sure to read the rest of this blog. Ignoring the issue could lead to expensive repairs down the road. If you’re unsure about your next steps, it might be helpful to learn why your heat pump is running for so long, as that could also signal underlying mechanical issues that need attention.

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What’s Wrong With Your Blower Motor?

Monday, November 8th, 2021

Don’t think we forgot about all the heat pump and furnace owners in our area. If you’re the owner of a forced-air heating system, then this blog post is specifically designed to help target a problem that we see all the time. We’re going to focus on issues with a blower motor, one of the integral components of a heating system that uses hot air to heat a home.

When the heat is produced for the air in your heating system, it needs to be distributed to the rest of your home via your air ducts. A large blower motor is responsible for this, as it pushes the air throughout the ducts into each of your home’s rooms. If your blower motor isn’t working properly, we’ll help figure out what the problem is.

Keep reading for more information, and don’t forget to call us for heater repair in Orinda, CA.

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Is It Time to Replace Your Heater?

Monday, March 29th, 2021

That’s a very good question, and something that we’re honestly trying to get homeowners to think about more. Heaters aren’t meant to last forever, but we would never want you to replace your heating system before it actually needs to be replaced, right? After all, you want to have your heating system run for as long as possible, just like you would a car or a phone. If it’s worth over a thousand dollars to install, then you really should try to get your money’s worth.

That being said, a heater that runs beyond its lifespan can quickly siphon money out of your pocket with high heating bills, expensive repairs, and poor comfort. We’ll go into the specifics of when to call us for heater repair in Walnut Creek, CA, and when it’s finally time to call it quits and invest in heater replacement services.

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Is Your Heat Exchanger Okay?

Monday, March 1st, 2021

This is a question we get from homeowners pretty often. If it’s not a question you’ve asked a professional before, then you might want to add it to your list of questions. And, if you’re one of the many homeowners who doesn’t even know what the heat exchanger is, then you’re in the right place!

We don’t discriminate in this blog against those familiar or unfamiliar with HVAC technology. All we’re concerned with is providing quality heater repair in Oakland, CA. In order to do that, we need to educate homeowners on the most sensitive component of their heating system—the heat exchanger.

Let’s talk in-depth about what a heat exchanger is, how it works, and how you can tell if there’s something wrong with it. Call us by the time you reach the end of this blog so we can help relieve your problems.

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Stay Comfy With These 5 Tips

Monday, February 1st, 2021

We’re the experts on staying comfy. No, seriously, it’s in our name. When it comes to HVAC technology, how it relates to you, and how you can better stay comfortable during a chilly winter season, then we’re the team to turn to. Our team is professional, experienced, and we really know our way around these kinds of systems.

Okay, we’ll stop tooting our own horn. But we’re not joking when we say that we can help you stay comfy. Sure, you could only call us when you need heater repair in Hayward, CA on those odd years where something is wrong. Or you can do things like invest in maintenance services and follow these 5 tips so that your heater does a better job keeping your home cozy.


We’re going to break down some of the important things to remember about using your heater this season.

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A Neglected Furnace Is a Recipe for Disaster

Monday, January 18th, 2021

technician-working-on-furnaceFurnaces aren’t supposed to have safety issues. While people might think because combustion is occuring, that gas furnaces are dangerous pieces of equipment, it’s simply not as true as you’d think. It’s true that furnaces burn natural gas to heat your air, but they’re built with the durability and resilience to go their entire lifespan without a safety issue—if they’re maintained or repaired correctly.

That’s a big if! Don’t become complacent because we’re telling you that a gas furnace is safe. It can easily become dangerous if you ignore a necessary furnace repair in Dublin, CA and mistakenly believe that your system is immune to problems like this. Our team can not only get to the bottom of your heater issue, but we can make sure that no safety concerns are sitting on the horizon. Regular maintenance is essential to avoid these problems, so make sure to schedule furnace maintenance to keep your system running safely.

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How Do You Know You Need Heater Repair?

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Think about all the blog posts you see, the ads on your computer, and the commercials on TV that talk about how to tell you that you need to see a doctor. While it might sound like a silly question, it’s 100% serious. How can you tell that you need help from a professional? This is a point that we want to address head-on in today’s blog post regarding your home comfort system.

Not every homeowner knows the ins and outs of their heating system. They know it makes a noise when it turns on but they don’t know what noise it should make. They know that heated air should come from their vents, but they don’t know how hot the air should be. All of these things signal an unfamiliarity with heating systems where a professional can help. We’ll go over some basic ways you can tell that you need heating repair in Walnut Creek, CA.

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Lower Your Heating Bill with Three Simple Tips

Monday, November 11th, 2019

Bills are bills, we pay them no matter what they cost. It’s just the nature of being a homeowner. Your monthly fuel bill isn’t like a parking ticket that you can try to get reduced with a plea deal, or that you’ve got any luck trying to fight against. Bills represent the amount of fuel and energy we consume, and that’s that.

However, if your bills are starting to rack up and you can see yourself wanting to cut back on them, we’ve got just the right tools for you. Here, we’re all about creating a heating experience that is as cheap as possible, while still remaining effective enough to warm your home. So, in order to help your heater out (and to reduce the risk of heating repair in San Ramon, CA) we’ve listed a few tips that could keep your efficiency high and your heating bill low.

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Don’t Neglect These Late Season Heater Repair Needs

Monday, April 15th, 2019

technician-looking-over-heaterTemperatures are finally warming up a bit in our area, which means it’s just about time to shut our heaters down for the season, schedule an AC tune-up, and start enjoying the comfort an effective cooling system can deliver. But wait, before we talk about shutting our heaters down—how did yours perform this past winter? Did it show any signs of struggle? Were you told it needed repairs, but have yet to take care of them?

Even if your heater is operating “okay,” ignoring any sign of a heating system problem can cause it to turn into a much bigger issue, leaving you with a broken down heater next year when you need it the most. Depending on what caused your heating issue, you may even find yourself with air conditioning problems this spring and summer, by neglecting a repair need for your heater. Keep reading to learn some of the indications of heating system problems.

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Strange Furnace Noises, Explained

Monday, February 4th, 2019

woman-covering-her-earsWe may not experience the frigid temperatures that our friends in the Midwest do, particularly lately, but our winters still necessitate the use of a fully functioning, efficiently operating, heating system. So if your heating system is experiencing problems right now, we understand the concern! Fortunately, though, if you can detect problems with your furnace early enough, you can have them repaired before they develop into a complete system breakdown.

However, you need to be particularly vigilant if you want to catch these problems early enough. If you’re reading this blog post, then you’re already on the right path! After all, one of the first signs that something is, in fact, amiss with a heating system is the presence of strange noises while the system is in operation. Keep reading for a description of some of these noises and what they mean, and be sure to make your next step calling in a pro for repairs!

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