Comfy Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heat Pump Services’

Your Guide for Dealing with Mild Summers

Monday, May 11th, 2020

technician-shaking-hands-with-customerNot many people outside of the Bay Area understand just how mild our climate is. They think “Oh, California, that means scorching hot temperatures for half of the year,” but that’s really not even close. Our summers can get a little warm and humid, but not nearly as hot as notorious locations in Southern California, and our winters still hit with a strong chill. That means the name of the game here is finding appropriate HVAC equipment that can help your home deal with mild temperatures.

So today, apart from our usual talk about air conditioners, we’re going to talk about what type of technology is best suited for dealing with a mild climate, and how you can more efficiently and affordably make your home comfortable throughout the whole year. Whether that’s with a central AC through our AC services in Alameda, CA, or through the purchase of a new heat pump, the choice is ultimately yours!

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Should You Make a Heat Pump Your Next Home Comfort Installation?

Monday, January 7th, 2019

man looking at thermostat and rubbing hands, coldThis is typically the time of year that homeowners throughout San Ramon are using their heaters on a daily basis, not necessarily shopping for a new system. But if your heater has reached the end of its run, your situation is different, and you’re likely in a rush to find a new heater, now! We urge you to consider your options, and not buy the first system you can find in your budget, as this can be a mistake not only in the installation, but over the years if the system’s efficiency doesn’t meet the needs of your home.

If you have a traditional furnace in place, as well as a standard central air conditioner that also might be aging to a point that an upgrade is due, you’d do well to consider the installation of a heat pump system. Heat pumps operate on the same principle as an air conditioner, but can also be used for heating. To make an informed choice, explore our detailed guide on whether a heat pump is worth installing. Keep reading to learn more about the advantages of such a system, and be sure to reach out to our team for professional San Ramon, CA heat pump services.

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Should You Have a Heat Pump Installed?

Monday, May 30th, 2016

You have numerous options when it comes to choosing the right heating or cooling system for your home. Naturally, you want to invest in a system that gives you the most for your money, will be highly efficient, and will not eat up all your energy usage.

If you are looking for an alternative to fuel-based heating systems that also functions as a cooling system, a heat pump is the perfect solution. For those weighing options, see whether a heat pump or furnace is right for you to ensure you’re choosing the most suitable system for your needs. Keep reading to discover some of the main benefits of a heat pump installation.

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