Comfy Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Repair’

6 Furnace Terms You Should Know About

Monday, February 28th, 2022

Trying to understand your furnace can be a complicated endeavor. There are lots of parts, pieces, and terms to know, each with their own purpose and value. This can make the process of maintaining your home’s heating system less than enjoyable, as it opens the door for confusion and a sense of feeling absolutely overwhelmed.

If you’re sick of hearing all of the industry jargon and not knowing what’s being said, here are six terms you should definitely start learning.

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Furnace Problems Can Turn Dangerous

Monday, December 20th, 2021

If your furnace is making strange noises at night or it’s beginning to smell like an old toaster oven, then you might have some problems that require professional furnace repair in Walnut Creek, CA. This is the first point that we want to address in this blog post, that any of these signs mean you need to get help from a licensed and certified HVAC professional like the ones on our team. Don’t try to open your furnace up on your own, because you might do more harm than good!

The biggest reason why we steer homeowners away from doing their own DIY furnace repairs is because of safety. Furnaces, especially gas furnaces, create a lot of heat and exhaust fumes that are dangerous to inhale. Only trained individuals who know exactly how these systems operate should work on them, and here are a few reasons why.

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Stay Comfy With These 5 Tips

Monday, February 1st, 2021

We’re the experts on staying comfy. No, seriously, it’s in our name. When it comes to HVAC technology, how it relates to you, and how you can better stay comfortable during a chilly winter season, then we’re the team to turn to. Our team is professional, experienced, and we really know our way around these kinds of systems.

Okay, we’ll stop tooting our own horn. But we’re not joking when we say that we can help you stay comfy. Sure, you could only call us when you need heater repair in Hayward, CA on those odd years where something is wrong. Or you can do things like invest in maintenance services and follow these 5 tips so that your heater does a better job keeping your home cozy.


We’re going to break down some of the important things to remember about using your heater this season.

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A Neglected Furnace Is a Recipe for Disaster

Monday, January 18th, 2021

technician-working-on-furnaceFurnaces aren’t supposed to have safety issues. While people might think because combustion is occuring, that gas furnaces are dangerous pieces of equipment, it’s simply not as true as you’d think. It’s true that furnaces burn natural gas to heat your air, but they’re built with the durability and resilience to go their entire lifespan without a safety issue—if they’re maintained or repaired correctly.

That’s a big if! Don’t become complacent because we’re telling you that a gas furnace is safe. It can easily become dangerous if you ignore a necessary furnace repair in Dublin, CA and mistakenly believe that your system is immune to problems like this. Our team can not only get to the bottom of your heater issue, but we can make sure that no safety concerns are sitting on the horizon. Regular maintenance is essential to avoid these problems, so make sure to schedule furnace maintenance to keep your system running safely.

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Is Your Heater Operating Safely?

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Think about that question very carefully. If you’re one of the many homeowners in our area that has a gas-powered heating system, then the way it works is going to be fundamental to how safe you feel. A bumping, banging, ancient heating system is going to feel a lot less safe than one that’s been maintained and works as it should. We want your heater to be in the latter category.

So, how can we help you with furnace repair in Alameda, CA? Well, how can you help yourself by calling us when you need our help? That’s a question we seek to answer in this blog post.

Let’s analyze how safely your heating system is running. We’ll go through all of the common problems we run into, why they can be a hindrance to your safety, and what our team can do to help.

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Don’t Let Your Furnace Mysteriously Break Down

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

toolsMystery breakdowns are some of the worst things that can happen to your home. When you’re having a family party for the holidays or you’re just trying to enjoy a night in, away from chilly temperatures, having your heater suddenly stop working can be devastating. Contacting a technician for expensive furnace repair in San Ramon, CA doesn’t feel much better.

Often, a breakdown can occur because of a more insidious problem that a homeowner couldn’t see coming. However, there are some steps that anyone can take to mitigate this event from happening at such inconvenient times.

We’re going to go into detail about a few major improvements that homeowners could do on their own to generally increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their furnaces or heaters. These quality-of-life improvements can also play a role in preventing breakdowns. Wouldn’t that be better for everyone?

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Don’t Ignore These Furnace Noises

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

woman-reacting-to-loud-noisesThere’s a difference between being ignorant of a furnace noise and flat out ignoring it. We’ll never fault a homeowner for not understanding a sound that comes from their furnace, but at least they’re more likely to call us to have a professional check out the issue. However, homeowners that tend to neglect their furnaces and ignore the sounds that come from them are way more likely to suffer from a system breakdown because the issues that cause strange noises often compound into other problems.

So, if you’re hearing a strange sound coming from your furnace then you’ve got to call our team for furnace repair in Oakland, CA. While we can get into the different noises a heater might make to give you a little bit more insight, there are no DIY solutions that can solve the issue. The only clear solution is calling a professional.

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Why Your Furnace Is Making That Weird Noise

Monday, February 19th, 2018

BurnerThere are a lot of different signs and symptoms that can indicate a furnace is in trouble. Odd noises are one of the most common warning signs, and are often among the first homeowners tend to notice. If your furnace is making some kind of noise it doesn’t normally make, there might be a problem with it that requires professional repair. Have a look at some of the more common noises below that indicate a problem.

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