Two Major Signs Your Ductless Cooling System Needs Repair

July 4th, 2016

Ductless mini split systems are an excellent option for both heating and cooling homes throughout California. However, just like any other type of HVAC system, they will develop problems on occasion and require professional repairs.

These issues can’t always be prevented, but you can be prepared by understanding what different signs mean and why you should have them repaired right away should the signs crop up. Keep reading to learn what two of these major signs are.

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Is a Clean Air Filter Really That Important?

June 27th, 2016

There’s no denying that with summer officially here, temperatures are climbing. As they do, you’ll be putting a lot more value in the reliable, efficient operation of your air conditioning system. However, there are many homeowners who skip out on some of the very basic maintenance tasks that are required to make sure their air conditioner performs as it should all season long.

Scheduling routine professional maintenance for your air conditioner is important, sure. However there is one task that you can and should be doing on your own, much more often than your once or twice yearly maintenance appointment. This task is changing the air filter. Keep reading to learn why this is such an important step to take before each cooling season.

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How to Make the Most of the Energy Upgrade California Savings

June 20th, 2016

When it comes to using the many appliances in your home, naturally you want to do so in the most cost-effective way possible. These days, everybody is looking at how to cut down on their energy use. Cutting down though shouldn’t mean sacrificing. You should still be able to use your HVAC system as much as you need to, as well as other appliances in your home.

So there needs to be a way to find a balance. Home comfort should never be sacrificed to save energy. Instead you can do things like change your energy habits, upgrade to energy-efficient appliances, and seal air leaks around your home. The Energy Upgrade California  page offers an infographic that shows 8 energy-efficient steps you can take to optimize your home for savings and comfort. We’ve highlighted these tips below:

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Is a Bigger Air Conditioning System Better?

June 13th, 2016

One of the most frequent types of repair call that we get throughout the summer is from homeowners who say their air conditioner simply isn’t performing up to par. It’s not cooling their home the way it should be, leaving their home uncomfortably warm during the summer days.

Temperatures in our area have already been increasing, and the official start of summer is just a couple short weeks away. So naturally, you want to make sure you have an air conditioner that is able to handle the heat. If you’re thinking of replacing your system this season, you might be tempted to go bigger, thinking this means your AC will perform better.

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Common Signs of Air Conditioner Problems

June 6th, 2016

It’s true that we haven’t quite begun to see the effects of summer, but local homeowners know that it is only a matter of time before high temperatures are upon is. This makes now the perfect time to check your air conditioning system for damage. You still have time to have repairs done now before the real heat hits.

Be sure to take notice of any warning signs that may indicate problems with your air conditioner. And when you do spot a problem, turn off your system and call in a repair service as quickly as you can. Attempting to fix an issue on your own can actually do more harm than good to the system, and continuing to run the system despite a problem can do the same.

So what are some signs to watch out for?

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Should You Have a Heat Pump Installed?

May 30th, 2016

You have numerous options when it comes to choosing the right heating or cooling system for your home. Naturally, you want to invest in a system that gives you the most for your money, will be highly efficient, and will not eat up all your energy usage.

If you are looking for an alternative to fuel-based heating systems as well as a heating system that will also function as a cooling system, a heat pump is the perfect solution. Keep reading to discover some of the main benefits of a heat pump installation.

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The Importance of Professional Duct Sealing Services

May 23rd, 2016

Most homeowners don’t realize what an integral role that their ductwork plays in their overall HVAC system. Your ductwork provides the pathway from your heating or cooling unit to various rooms of your home, and yet air ducts are one of the most neglected parts of any HVAC system.

This is mostly because ducts are hidden from view. Also, they have no mechanical components, so it might seem to you that they wouldn’t experience very many problems. While this is a fair assumption to make, it’s important to realize that 20% to 30% of your conditioned air may be escaping through leaky ducts.

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Is It Time to Replace Your Ducts?

May 16th, 2016

Without ductwork, the functionality of your HVAC system would be nonexistent. As long as your system is maintained appropriately, you may not have a problem with your ducts for decades. However at some point, whether it is from damage, natural wear and tear, critters in the attic, or even from age you might need to replace them.

The good news is, we offer professional ductwork services, including replacement. Sometimes just repairing ducts is not enough. This is particularly true if there are a number of holes, gaps, or bends in the ductwork. So what are some signs that it’s time to replace your system?

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What Should You Do if You Smell Gas?

May 9th, 2016

One of the most common emergency calls we get in regards to HVAC systems is that our customers smell gas coming from the system. This is an issue that should never be ignored and should always be taken very seriously. A gas leak can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, but it could even be so much worse than that. Although rare, a gas leak can start a fire or cause an explosion. Usually the first sign of a gas leak is the smell of rotten eggs—a scent that gas companies add to gas lines so you’ll be able to detect otherwise odorless gas.

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How Can I Lower the Humidity in My Home?

May 2nd, 2016

A high level of moisture in the summertime is not something that most California residents worry about too much. When we think “humidity” we tend to think of states on the east coast, such as Florida, right? Our humidity levels usually stay comfortably below 50% this time of year, which is the maximum humidity level for indoor comfort. However, albeit rare, stuffy days do occur.

This is particularly true if you live anywhere near a creek or stream, or any location that has excessive moisture. These days make your home feel uncomfortable, and can cause your AC system to work harder than normal to cool your home, meaning it’s not working as efficiently as possible. And actually, if you use an evaporative cooler it can be rendered completely ineffective on a humid day. So what is the solution?

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