Why Our Furnace Services Are Different

February 15th, 2021

No two contractors are the same! You probably knew that already, but there’s a reason we’re bringing it up in our blog post today. While contractors might come in all shapes and sizes, they also come with different plans, equipment, promotions, customer service, and experience. There’s actually a huge difference when you call our team for furnace service than when you call someone else.

If you’re wondering what exactly makes our furnace service in Fremont, CA different, now you’re asking the right questions. Is it our deep roots in family values? Or is it our ongoing commitment to energy efficiency and high-tech equipment that is eco-friendly? Or perhaps it’s all of the above and more?

Keep reading and we promise you’ll get a few reasons why it’s never a bad idea to give our team a call for your furnace tune-up, installation, repair, or replacement.

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Stay Comfy With These 5 Tips

February 1st, 2021

We’re the experts on staying comfy. No, seriously, it’s in our name. When it comes to HVAC technology, how it relates to you, and how you can better stay comfortable during a chilly winter season, then we’re the team to turn to. Our team is professional, experienced, and we really know our way around these kinds of systems.

Okay, we’ll stop tooting our own horn. But we’re not joking when we say that we can help you stay comfy. Sure, you could only call us when you need heater repair in Hayward, CA on those odd years where something is wrong. Or you can do things like invest in maintenance services and follow these 5 tips so that your heater does a better job keeping your home cozy.


We’re going to break down some of the important things to remember about using your heater this season.

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A Neglected Furnace Is a Recipe for Disaster

January 18th, 2021

technician-working-on-furnaceFurnaces aren’t supposed to have safety issues. While people might think because combustion is occuring, that gas furnaces are dangerous pieces of equipment, it’s simply not as true as you’d think. It’s true that furnaces burn natural gas to heat your air, but they’re built with the durability and resilience to go their entire lifespan without a safety issue—if they’re maintained or repaired correctly.

That’s a big if! Don’t become complacent because we’re telling you that a gas furnace is safe. It can easily become dangerous if you ignore a necessary furnace repair in Dublin, CA and mistakenly believe that your system is immune to problems like this. Our team can not only get to the bottom of your heater issue, but we can make sure that no safety concerns are sitting on the horizon. Ready to get started?

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Save Water, Help Your Water Heater

January 4th, 2021

Here’s a fact we bet you didn’t know about your water heater: when more water passes through it, it suffers from wear and tear than it wouldn’t otherwise. This isn’t a bad thing, because we wouldn’t tell you not to use your water heater. It’s precisely why you got a water heater, right?

We are here to tell you that there are ways to conserve water that you might not have ever thought about. These conservation techniques can make your life easier because they reduce the strain on your water heater. You’ll save money down the line and you won’t need to call as often as normal for services on your water heater in San Ramon, CA. Basically, these tips we’re about to share with you can help the environment and your wallet in one fell swoop. So, what do you say?

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How Do You Know You Need Heater Repair?

December 21st, 2020

Think about all the blog posts you see, the ads on your computer, and the commercials on TV that talk about how to tell you that you need to see a doctor. While it might sound like a silly question, it’s 100% serious. How can you tell that you need help from a professional? This is a point that we want to address head-on in today’s blog post regarding your home comfort system.

Not every homeowner knows the ins and outs of their heating system. They know it makes a noise when it turns on but they don’t know what noise it should make. They know that heated air should come from their vents, but they don’t know how hot the air should be. All of these things signal an unfamiliarity with heating systems where a professional can help. We’ll go over some basic ways you can tell that you need heating repair in Walnut Creek, CA.

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How Expensive Can Heating Repair Be?

December 7th, 2020

It can be very expensive to deal with a heater that’s constantly on the fritz. Many homeowners believe that this is just the necessary cost of having heat in their home, but there’s another way to deal with this. If more people called for quick repairs, repairs done by a licensed professional, and maintenance on a yearly basis, heaters wouldn’t cost as much money to fix as they do. By the time we get to repairing them, oftentimes they’re in such bad shape that the fixes we make run up a pretty high bill.

So the answer to the question that began this blog post is that yes—heating repair in Walnut Creek, CA can be incredibly expensive. We’re here to tell you that there are ways to mitigate large repair bills. Keep reading as we go into detail about the ways to avoid expensive heating repairs with the help of our team.

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Is Your Heater Operating Safely?

November 23rd, 2020

Think about that question very carefully. If you’re one of the many homeowners in our area that has a gas-powered heating system, then the way it works is going to be fundamental to how safe you feel. A bumping, banging, ancient heating system is going to feel a lot less safe than one that’s been maintained and works as it should. We want your heater to be in the latter category.

So, how can we help you with furnace repair in Alameda, CA? Well, how can you help yourself by calling us when you need our help? That’s a question we seek to answer in this blog post.

Let’s analyze how safely your heating system is running. We’ll go through all of the common problems we run into, why they can be a hindrance to your safety, and what our team can do to help.

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Your Heating Options Explained

November 9th, 2020

Why is our team called “Comfy Heating & Air Conditioning Inc.?” Well, it’s basically because our main priority is keeping you at home comfortable. This isn’t just in regards to temperatures, but this relates to your heating bills, the frequency of heating repairs, and other things.

If your heater isn’t working with you for one of those aspects, then we’d like to urge you into considering replacing it with one that does. As your comfort specialists (seriously, it’s in our name), we work with each homeowner to get their own unique heating needs met. Your home is different from your neighbor’s, and we completely understand that.

Let the experts on HVAC in Hayward, CA guide you on the different heating options you have available. We’ll talk about what systems can work for your home, and why you should trust us to have them installed and repaired.

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Pay Attention to These Water Heater Noises

October 26th, 2020

Water heaters are a vital part of our daily lives. We work on them day in and day out, so we know just how much homeowners depend on them. That means that any issues that surface with a water heater should be addressed as soon as possible. Otherwise, you could see yourself taking a cold shower on the one day you wish you had hot water.

Luckily, many water heater woes can actually be detected by homeowners. We urge people to pay attention to noises that a water heater might make, or for other issues like leaks and puddles so that you can act appropriately and call a professional for water heater service in San Ramon, CA.

From popping sounds to other ticking noises, a water heater can tell you exactly how it’s feeling with the exclamations it makes at night.

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Wind Your AC Down the Right Way

October 12th, 2020


Are you getting ready to pull your heater out of hibernation and “put your air conditioner away?” Well, before you do that, we’re glad you got to this post. Hold your horses!

Air conditioners should be taken care of when they’re forced to wait for an entire season. After all, you do want your system to be in great shape when you take out next year, right? If you treat it poorly or just put it away hastily without taking note of the issues it’s been causing you, then you’re just going to run into the same problems down the line. Take it from us, your specialists for all things HVAC in Walnut Creek, CA that your air conditioner should be taken care of the right way at the end of the season.

Keep reading for some of our special AC hibernation tips to follow!

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