Comfy Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Lower Your Heating Bill with Three Simple Tips

Monday, November 11th, 2019

Bills are bills, we pay them no matter what they cost. It’s just the nature of being a homeowner. Your monthly fuel bill isn’t like a parking ticket that you can try to get reduced with a plea deal, or that you’ve got any luck trying to fight against. Bills represent the amount of fuel and energy we consume, and that’s that.

However, if your bills are starting to rack up and you can see yourself wanting to cut back on them, we’ve got just the right tools for you. Here, we’re all about creating a heating experience that is as cheap as possible, while still remaining effective enough to warm your home. So, in order to help your heater out (and to reduce the risk of heating repair in San Ramon, CA) we’ve listed a few tips that could keep your efficiency high and your heating bill low.

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Furnace Checklist: Keep Your Furnace Safe This Winter

Monday, October 28th, 2019

furnace-burnersRegular furnace maintenance is not optional, and no matter the type of fuel it runs on, this is non-negotiable. They’re huge investments, they provide a massive service for you and your family during the winter, and they can often become fire hazards when something goes wrong. Would you say that getting your car inspected is optional? Well, the government would disagree.

If you’re trying to keep your heater in good condition to avoid expensive furnace repair in Oakland, CA then you’re going to want to pay attention. The chilly temps that engulf the Bay Area throughout winter and spring make it especially important to schedule necessary maintenance checks. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about a furnace inspection and why it is so important that a professional technician does this in your place.

Never settle for subpar service, let the pros take the lead.

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Don’t Neglect These Late Season Heater Repair Needs

Monday, April 15th, 2019

technician-looking-over-heaterTemperatures are finally warming up a bit in our area, which means it’s just about time to shut our heaters down for the season, schedule an AC tune-up, and start enjoying the comfort an effective cooling system can deliver. But wait, before we talk about shutting our heaters down—how did yours perform this past winter? Did it show any signs of struggle? Were you told it needed repairs, but have yet to take care of them?

Even if your heater is operating “okay,” ignoring any sign of a heating system problem can cause it to turn into a much bigger issue, leaving you with a broken down heater next year when you need it the most. Depending on what caused your heating issue, you may even find yourself with air conditioning problems this spring and summer, by neglecting a repair need for your heater. Keep reading to learn some of the indications of heating system problems.

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Have Your Ducts Repaired for Better Furnace Performance

Monday, April 1st, 2019

duct-being-sealed-by-handSpring may officially be here, but we’ll still experience cooler temps for a while. Therefore, it’s no secret you want to have a functional furnace that operates efficiently.

We have some news—if your ductwork is damaged, there’s no way this is possible! If you have breached ductwork, you could be losing as much as 30% of the conditioned air you are paying for. This also means your furnace must work harder to reach the temperature set on the thermostat. The furnace won’t operate efficiently and will cost more to run.

But how do you know if your ducts are damaged? After all, they’re all hidden out of sight—behind walls, beneath floors, or in your attic or crawlspace.

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Tips to Keep Your Heater in Top Shape

Monday, March 4th, 2019

technician-working-on-heating-systemAs winter comes to a close, it’s easy to neglect your heating system and turn your attention to your air conditioner. In fact, we hope you’re thinking about your cooling system, since now is the perfect time to schedule AC maintenance. However, if you have an aging heater or if you skipped maintenance, we encourage you to follow a few care tips, like those we’ve listed below, before shutting off your heater for the season.

Remember, ignoring any sort of heating problem won’t make it go away. In fact, neglecting it until next fall when you need your heater again can do more harm than good. Read on for how to properly keep your heater in good shape as the season comes to a close.

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Strange Furnace Noises, Explained

Monday, February 4th, 2019

woman-covering-her-earsWe may not experience the frigid temperatures that our friends in the Midwest do, particularly lately, but our winters still necessitate the use of a fully functioning, efficiently operating, heating system. So if your heating system is experiencing problems right now, we understand the concern! Fortunately, though, if you can detect problems with your furnace early enough, you can have them repaired before they develop into a complete system breakdown.

However, you need to be particularly vigilant if you want to catch these problems early enough. If you’re reading this blog post, then you’re already on the right path! After all, one of the first signs that something is, in fact, amiss with a heating system is the presence of strange noises while the system is in operation. Keep reading for a description of some of these noises and what they mean, and be sure to make your next step calling in a pro for repairs!

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How to Make Your Heater More Efficient, For Free!

Monday, December 24th, 2018

woman sipping hot drink in the wintertime, indoorsWell, our very first tip here isn’t for something that’s free—but investing in it will make your heater much more affordable in the long run. We’re talking about heating maintenance. Maintenance is a service that every homeowner benefits from. It should be done once a year—preferably before you need your heater for the season. But it matters more that you are consistent with scheduling a maintenance tune-up once a year.

During this service, our technicians thoroughly inspect your heating system, cleaning and checking for any signs of disrepair or components that need adjusting. Managing these issues right away rather than neglecting them helps your heater to not only perform more efficiently, but it also reduces the risk that you’ll run into a sudden breakdown this winter.

Now, onto the rest of our heating efficiency tips!

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Why Your Heater Is Making Odd Noises

Monday, December 10th, 2018

woman covering her ears, imposed on a white backgroundA heating system may break down with little to no warning at all. It will go from seemingly operating “just fine” throughout the day and night to suddenly halting, or just not turning on at all. This is uncommon, particularly if you had fall maintenance. Even with that tune-up though, unless there’s a sudden electrical failure, a furnace or heating system usually gives off some sign it’s about to fail.

Often, this sign is a loud and/or unfamiliar noise. It may be accompanied by some unusual performance from your heating system, but this isn’t always the case. We don’t encourage you to try to repair the system on your own, but at least you can be prepared with what might be going on, before you call a pro for expert heater repair in Alameda, CA.

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How to Avoid Furnace Issues This Winter

Monday, November 26th, 2018

furnace venting outsideIt’s that time of year—the time where temperatures begin to cool off and we feel relief from the sweltering summers we experience. Time to turn on our heating systems and bask in the warmth, right? Well not quite—have you scheduled maintenance yet? Preventive heating maintenance isn’t just a fancy idea we throw out there for our best customers—it’s a necessary part of keeping every homeowner’s heater working as efficiently and effectively as possible!

This is a service that should be performed once a year. With professional maintenance, you can count on your furnace lasting as long as it’s meant to, and performing at its best while doing so. Of course, repair needs may crop up during your maintenance appointment, and sometimes even between tune-ups. It’s important to know the signs of these repair needs as well as how to avoid problems with your furnace before winter hits.

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Heating Installation Options to Consider This Year

Monday, November 12th, 2018

Young woman shivering during the winter seasonTemperatures finally seem to be on a cooling trend, signaling winter isn’t too far away now. We’re assuming that since you’ve found this blog post, you either do not have a whole-house heating system in your home, or yours is at the point that no amount of repair is going to bring it back to life.

We will also assume that you don’t want to just rush out and buy the first heater you can find. This typically ends up being a mistake, since you need that heater to be properly sized and matched to your specific home and needs.

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