Comfy Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

How Expensive Can Heating Repair Be?

Monday, December 7th, 2020

It can be very expensive to deal with a heater that’s constantly on the fritz. Many homeowners believe that this is just the necessary cost of having heat in their home, but there’s another way to deal with this. If more people called for quick repairs, repairs done by a licensed professional, and maintenance on a yearly basis, heaters wouldn’t cost as much money to fix as they do. By the time we get to repairing them, oftentimes they’re in such bad shape that the fixes we make run up a pretty high bill.

So the answer to the question that began this blog post is that yes—heating repair in Walnut Creek, CA can be incredibly expensive. We’re here to tell you that there are ways to mitigate large repair bills. Keep reading as we go into detail about the ways to avoid expensive heating repairs with the help of our team.

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Is Your Heater Operating Safely?

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Think about that question very carefully. If you’re one of the many homeowners in our area that has a gas-powered heating system, then the way it works is going to be fundamental to how safe you feel. A bumping, banging, ancient heating system is going to feel a lot less safe than one that’s been maintained and works as it should. We want your heater to be in the latter category.

So, how can we help you with furnace repair in Alameda, CA? Well, how can you help yourself by calling us when you need our help? That’s a question we seek to answer in this blog post.

Let’s analyze how safely your heating system is running. We’ll go through all of the common problems we run into, why they can be a hindrance to your safety, and what our team can do to help.

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Your Heating Options Explained

Monday, November 9th, 2020

Why is our team called “Comfy Heating & Air Conditioning Inc.?” Well, it’s basically because our main priority is keeping you at home comfortable. This isn’t just in regards to temperatures, but this relates to your heating bills, the frequency of heating repairs, and other things.

If your heater isn’t working with you for one of those aspects, then we’d like to urge you into considering replacing it with one that does. As your comfort specialists (seriously, it’s in our name), we work with each homeowner to get their own unique heating needs met. Your home is different from your neighbor’s, and we completely understand that.

Let the experts on HVAC in Hayward, CA guide you on the different heating options you have available. We’ll talk about what systems can work for your home, and why you should trust us to have them installed and repaired.

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Do You Qualify for a Furnace Tax Credit?

Monday, March 16th, 2020

furnace-bodyBeing in California, we are uniquely able to take advantage of many tax credits and rebates that other areas of the country might not have. When the local government agrees that finding efficient heating solutions for everyone in the community is necessary, it becomes so much easier to find the right heating solution for you and your family. If you’ve been dealing with a faulty system, or are moving into a new home soon that needs a new heater, it’s time to do some research on what tax credits or rebates you might qualify for.

We can help! Sure, you can call us for repair on furnaces in Oakland, CA but we’d also like to discuss some of the available tax credits and ways to apply for these systems. Every homeowner should be able to save if it’s possible!

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Don’t Let Your Furnace Mysteriously Break Down

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

toolsMystery breakdowns are some of the worst things that can happen to your home. When you’re having a family party for the holidays or you’re just trying to enjoy a night in, away from chilly temperatures, having your heater suddenly stop working can be devastating. Contacting a technician for expensive furnace repair in San Ramon, CA doesn’t feel much better.

Often, a breakdown can occur because of a more insidious problem that a homeowner couldn’t see coming. However, there are some steps that anyone can take to mitigate this event from happening at such inconvenient times.

We’re going to go into detail about a few major improvements that homeowners could do on their own to generally increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their furnaces or heaters. These quality-of-life improvements can also play a role in preventing breakdowns. Wouldn’t that be better for everyone?

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HVAC FAQ: Could I Use a New Thermostat?

Monday, February 17th, 2020

smart-thermostat-appThe short answer to this question is yes. The long answer is a bit more complicated than that, but we’ll get into the specifics in a second. Basically, smart or Wi-Fi thermostats are a huge boon on your efficiency and are the new way to run your HVAC systems in the 21st century.

By running intricate reports, increasing your convenience, and helping you set programmable temperatures based on certain weather conditions, a smart thermostat can help you save money and make your life so much easier.

If you’re the kind of homeowner that likes looking for ways to increase your savings when dealing with HVAC service in Oakland, CA then you’ll absolutely enjoy some of the thermostat information we’re about to talk about.

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Don’t Ignore These Furnace Noises

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

woman-reacting-to-loud-noisesThere’s a difference between being ignorant of a furnace noise and flat out ignoring it. We’ll never fault a homeowner for not understanding a sound that comes from their furnace, but at least they’re more likely to call us to have a professional check out the issue. However, homeowners that tend to neglect their furnaces and ignore the sounds that come from them are way more likely to suffer from a system breakdown because the issues that cause strange noises often compound into other problems.

So, if you’re hearing a strange sound coming from your furnace then you’ve got to call our team for furnace repair in Oakland, CA. While we can get into the different noises a heater might make to give you a little bit more insight, there are no DIY solutions that can solve the issue. The only clear solution is calling a professional.

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Why You Should Always Replace Your Filter

Monday, January 20th, 2020

new-HVAC-air-filterKnock knock! Yes, it’s us with our yearly PSA about replacing your furnace filter. We know it was only a few months ago that we were talking about replacing your air conditioner’s filter, but it’s pretty clear that your AC is out of commission and your furnace is the one helping you right now. Furnaces have air filters as well and they need just as much attention as the one in your air conditioner!

So, today we’re going to focus on the wonderful benefits of continuously replacing your furnace’s air filter, since it can play a huge part in preventing costly heating repair in San Ramon, CA. If you’re in the mood to save some money and do a service that’ll keep your system running smoothly, then read on and get ready to replace your filter.

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Heat Pump or Furnace: Which is Right for You?

Monday, December 9th, 2019


Furnaces and heat pumps both provide the same service. They heat your home. Some homeowners like to stop there and call it quits, but those homeowners either have excess money where they’d rather pay someone else to take care of the rest, or they’re paying for more repairs than they should. Many people in our area, however, want to make the most educated decision possible at the lowest cost—and for that, you’ll need some advice.

While furnaces and heat pumps do the same job, the way they do their job is incredibly different. Depending on your climate, the fuel you have access to, and the type of home you own, these systems will provide many different levels of satisfaction. While heating in San Ramon, CA might not be the biggest priority of the year, finding the most cost-effective solution for cold and rainy weather should definitely be up there. If you’re considering upgrading your system, it’s helpful to understand how installing a heat pump can serve as both a heating and cooling solution, offering long-term savings on energy costs.

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Noticing a Carbon Monoxide Leak

Monday, November 25th, 2019

carbon-monoxide-detectorIf you clicked on this blog post then we congratulate you for being concerned about something that we are always worrying over. Since we set up countless gas furnaces and are experts with furnace repair in San Ramon, CA we’re committed to keeping everyone as comfortable and as safe as possible.

Chances are, you’ve got a perfectly safe gas furnace system and, if you’ve got carbon monoxide detectors, you’re most likely a-OK. However, that doesn’t minimize the real danger that carbon monoxide leaks pose to our customers and community. So, we’d like to go over a few signs that can be easy to recognize that signal your furnace is starting to leak carbon monoxide. Stay smart, stay vigilant, and keep reading about how we can help you.

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