A heat pump is a conglomeration of a lot of different smaller components. We’ve touched on HVAC sounds on this blog numerous times, but we’d like to talk about a specific sound in regards to a specific system. A rattling heat pump is a problem that many homeowners might ignore due to budgeting or the fact that the heat pump still works, but just because a system still works doesn’t mean it’s working well.
The components of your system could be unhinged, misaligned, or running into serious problems that could be quickly fixed when you call our team for heater repair in Orinda, CA. We are experts in heat pump problem diagnosis, as well as the targeted repairs of issues that plague homeowners.
If your heat pump is rattling when you run it, be sure to read the rest of this blog. Ignoring the issue could lead to expensive repairs down the road. If you’re unsure about your next steps, it might be helpful to learn why your heat pump is running for so long, as that could also signal underlying mechanical issues that need attention.
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Tags: Heater Repair, Orinda
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